Quickly to chew over, as picked by the technology team burst of 9 links for you
"...But Android's success led to something else: a hostile, organized campaign against Android, Microsoft, Oracle, Apple and other companies, led by fake patents.
"They are this put together by banding, Novell's old patents (the"Cptn"group including Microsoft and Apple) and Nortel get old (that group including Microsoft and Apple)"Rockstar"patents to ensure that Google are not given them;" Development of $15 license fees for all Android powered devices; Try phone manufacturers license Android more expensive make (we free make that available for free) as Windows phone 7; and even suing Barnes & noble, HTC, Motorola and Samsung. "Patents were intended to promote innovation, but in recent times is used as a weapon, to stop it."
"How is Google argument here other than simply to call for Apple, Microsoft, Oracle, et al. should just sit back and let Google do what it wants with Android, regardless of the patents, which hold them?" "And let us not forget be Android way for free."
A little late, but: "by the end of March 2011, Windows 7 was 20.9 per cent of the company's PCs, according to a new report by Forrester Research, turn on during Windows XP to 60% of business PCs-a year ago was down 69%."
"The report" desktop operating system and browser trends, Q2 to Q2 2011 Forrester, corporate 2010? Analysis of more than 400,000 client PCs on 2,500 companies include results for Forrester. "16 June report includes 2010 data collected by the end of the first calendar quarter 2011 12 months between the start of the second calendar quarter."
The table is interesting: that's worth clickthrough.
Simply brilliant. It is just us laugh at the image, which is "Yes!" Page Mrs Robinson "[sic], or enjoy any of it to?" "For the Cougar pairing their prey". In fact. And much more that still manages to remain SFW.
So put the DCMS from a blackened PDF. Turned from the editor easy was to undo. "The complete, unredacted version is now on Scribd." As you can see from this document, all incorrectly removed the material that was edited. "The tactics discussed, to avoid blocking all known, even to mere lawyers like me, and the revised theater seem for security reasons as more will be motivated."
Todd Bishop: "more evidence: registered AptiQuants website was on 14 July, less than a month ago, despite the company's statement that it was founded in 2006." This morning I associated with the phone number called AptiQuant of domain registration, but the man who answered running speak a different language, once I identified myself as a reporter, and he finally hung up after we were not able to communicate.
"News agencies, on the students-including the BBC, business insider, CNN, and many new - reported are now reporting it was a hoax."
Oh, hell. Who is to say that Opera users?
"Above, before Twitter and blogs, as USENET was one of the centres of net.influence, I have many, many years on the David LaMacchia case." I finally turned directly via the legal results. But I personally was not worth all the flaming about "Theft" and similar. I need experience not to this experience, I am trying to learn from my mistakes.
"""As, say started something, people haven't heard messages only to the last Friday in circulation, that in addition to the Federal Government charges in the amount of"Wire Fraud","Computer Fraud","illegally information from a protected computer"," recklessly damaging a protected computer", there are also two State Government fees".
No one knows how you stories about hacking to illustrate. In fact, they fight with stories about technology in General.
Clever: Why would you such arcane and trivial element specify "No Brown M & MS" in your contract? Think about it for a bit. (Original article, which it connects is gone, but explaining it.)
And you thought they were stupid rock musicians.
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