How transparent is liberal conservative coalition? After the great promises to unleash how do they "Tsunami of data"?
A year ago, people were asked whether the project of steam, inspired by deep cuts had run on the financing of data.gov, across the Atlantic.
But it seems a second wind now have. There is a new look data.gov.uk and some serious versions in recent weeks, including: top officials pay; the whole government accounts and Organograms of each Whitehall Department.
As well as an important new transparency initiative.
Francis MAUDE has today announced a new sentencing hearing about his open data project. It asks the following questions:
• As we a "right to data" could improve, establishing stronger rights for individuals, companies and other actors, retrieve data from the public service providers;
• Transparency standards specify that enforce this right to information;
• How could be made public service providers to account for the provision of data;
• How we could ensure collection and publication of the most useful data;
• How we could make open the inner workings of the Government and the public sector; and
• How far is to promote a role of government companies and market-making in the open data.
This is also for the work that they do on a new public data Corporation - some are still pretty nervous.
The Government is convinced by the McKinsey argument that billions of open data - can be made, €250bn in Europe per year is what they say.
Keep now, what you, what we have seen so far and the questions, the they question? Comment in the comment box.
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