Quickly to chew over, as picked by the technology team burst of 8 links for you
"Hacktivism for good", which calls itself the jester comments about the difference between data protection, privacy and anonymity online after the arrest of anyone claimed to LulzSec Member Topiary on Wednesday.
The jester identity is not publicly known.
"A Crusader from Attrition.org has determined that an alarmingly high number of books written by computer security experts almost 100% from other sources are copied." "What says about the industry?"
He..., that his power can have learned their craft, by copying others? (We have the link of Kevin Mitnick, by the way.)
"A report by the Atlantic turned a light on a new"social media service"which allows users, Google + 1 purchase?" s in bulk. "The site in question, Pluseem, has a variety of different Google + package sizes by 50 points to 2,000, the prices range from $0, 18$ 0.38 per plus."
Breaking, Google quality guidelines, as you might guess. But the presence of spam shows an ecosystem that spammers to think in the value of hunting.
"Strange the error in iOS one was far widespread errors in the Web Kit and Microsoft's CryptoAPI nine years ago." It can sign purchased from a certificate authority, a different certificate valid certificate which then the client device considered valid.
"This enables who to win, can from your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch with man-in-the-Middle techniques to catch traffic and read all encrypted SSL traffic in the background, and without notice to the user."
"This patch should be applied immediately when you sign up for a service on your device, in particular things your bank or PayPal like." Users are especially vulnerable to these attacks, often using public/open WiFi.
"The really bad news?" If a generation of iPod touch a or you'll be constantly susceptible to two, or an iPhone, that use older than the 3GS. "Owners of these devices use it for a particular purpose, for the security or privacy is required."
A developer who is specialized in the digital currency, that he was sent back to China last week says, after he came to the Sea-Tac Airport with only $600 in cash and not in a position to convince US Customs and border protection agents that he would be able to finance his two months, visit bit coin with bit coin."
"The developer which alias"Doctor Nefario"by the, identifies Exchange itself as founder of the global bit coin."
Would have loved, during this interview be a fly on the wall.
"It turns out it is a method behind the FBI raids of suspected anonymous members of the country." The Office works from a list of handles under the condition of PayPal, 1,000 Internet IP responsible for the most protest traffic during anonymous' DDoS attacks against PayPal in December last year.
"FBI agents served 40 search orders in January on persons suspected, threaten PayPal during"Operation Payback"-anonymous ' retaliation against companies, on the black WikiLeaks list." "On 19 July the Feds charged the first 14 defendants under the computer fraud and abuse Act, and raided an additional 35 suspected for evidence."
So, just 960 to go. "" Also: "it was easy to distinguish the packages from the '" low orbit ion Cannon "-anonymous ' fire-and-forget DDoS tool-strings such as"Wikileaks,""goof", and in lieu of oath notes include"Goodnight,"insurance."
Oh love.
"We hold on one of the 10 things are true, that here is on Google, that quickly better than slow." We speed note in all things we do, and the button "+ 1" is no exception. Since the button start we have hard, improving your load time. "Today we are proud to announce two updates, the button" + 1 "and it, load the page more quickly make."
File under "almost immeasurable improvements to your life".
"We thought it would be interesting, a Microsoft Xbox Kinect work include association with our control maps on screen with simple gestures." "This video that reveals how we have and all I'll say is that with movements as follows, the GeoDoctor have a real girls on the dance floor..."
Clever, clever, clever.
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