Quickly to chew over, as picked by the technology team burst of 7 links for you
"If you tweet even if you see a Pseudonym--tweet - do, how much you reveal about yourself?" More than you realize, argues a new paper from researchers at the MITRE Corporation. The paper, "Them gender on Twitter," which presented this week at the Conference to the empirical methods in natural language processing in Scotland shows that machines often sex on Twitter find a person can read only by their Tweets. And those know is making: the results for advertisers and others could be useful. "
Gender biased words for men: "http" and "Google". For women: "Chocolate" and "Man", among many others. Can an algorithm stereotype? Then again, it is currently correctly about 75% of the time.
"Steam is on a monthly survey to collect data our customers use what types of computer hardware and software." Participation in the survey is optional and anonymous. "The collected information is incredibly helpful for us as we on what types of technology investments to make and to offer products decisions."
It's also really interesting to see the range of steam users.
"Apple can iOS app store ecosystem will have phenomenal success with his, but Intel says it's about the online app sales in the wrong direction."
"As expected, Intel preferred his app-store in-a-box-AppUp program, which allows world + dog to create their own app stores with its software tools, then let the messy details how Intel collect payments to treat and deployment of software for customers, all for a 70/30 revenue split."
Essentially Intel franchise build would like to make, but you take the same cut as Apple or Google is doing. Hard to see the real benefits of franchising your own app store.
"Microsoft was its 12,000 or so participants his annual sales Conference Microsoft Global Exchange (MGX) by tweeting and blogging secrets last week keep." But at least an enterprising participants managed to one of the infamous sales videos to take that like to show the company on these events.
"On 20 July during the MGX softies showed their spoof of"Google mail man"is due to open meetings, inspire the troops selling Office 365 against Google apps, and in particular gmail." In the video to find for serving up riffles Google mail man by post, keywords-map. The news: Google cares more for advertising revenue as privacy. "
Searches Google for context? Yes, by computer. Looked Microsoft risks as it is desperate to smear Google. But mud can remain.
"There is something perverserweise flattering an entire site dedicated to your supposed Terribleness." But demand media is apparently not the attention of demand Studios sucks, a blog, refugees, unhappy and enjoy other critics of so-called content farm. "This week, as the demand of the market capitalisation fell below $1 billion for the first time, as it was in January, the company's lawyers stop a letter and refrain from holders of demand sucks Studio and managed temporarily take down some their Internet service provider to the internal documents that it was not written."
But the site soon returned - but without the content. Demand media need to be careful on this.
"Spend some time at the Ottawa Hospital and it probably form is not long to take a look at an e-health digital revolution."
"Doctors use check-ups, a diagnosis with digital images of X-rays, to explain MRIs or other test results iPads for interactive at the bedside." "Full of patients medical record can be drawn up on the iPad as the pages of reference works and other medical resources, a physician from a bookshelf could once have considered."
Yes, but a House?
"Recently, the FDA cleared a Radiology app for the iPhone and the iPad, the doctors, which display medical images including MRI, CT and PET scans."
"While the Agency sagt-the app - called Mobile MIM, made from MIM software-was approved for the production of medical diagnosis, it is called ' is intended to replace any full workstations and is for use only if it no access to a workstation.'"
We have heard, a seller of health doctors in the United States, iPads take business meeting, because it is a good bet that is the doctor.
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