Quickly to chew over, as picked by the technology team burst of 8 links for you
"Microsoft must focus on a different kind of search: finding a buyer for Bing, the online search business." Bing is the industry's distant No. 2 after Google. It is a distraction for the software giant-one become expensive costing shareholders. The Division, the Bing houses lost $2.6 billion in the past year. May provide Facebook or even Apple a better home for Bing. "A sale would be a boon to Microsoft investors."
"Reports might buy Apple's staggering Q3 Dell twice and can a boatload money still in reserve, but they have a real ecosystem and strategy problem."
Apparently part of the problem is not search engine, who each quarter loses flows of money, and have made no LinkedIn in iOS5.
Mary Jo Foley: "as Microsoft's fourth quarter of fiscal 2011 profit made clearly, Windows 7 sales-with the glaring exception of Netbooks--are good, but not as it once was so good." Given it is still a year (give or take) s start up Windows 8, what is Microsoft's game plan to bottom drop out of the Windows PC market hold?
"The market for enterprise is chugging probably Windows 7 sales, keep many larger companies Windows 7, until finally after months of planning and testing provide." "And as Microsoft execs said during the yesterday's earnings conference call, the new market countries a lot of Windows 7, click though to lower prices - and with much higher piracy rates-as"developed"countries."
Interesting words on tablets. And this confirmed that Microsoft makes the worst PowerPoint decks in the world.
"Anonymous that hacker group, which saw some of their alleged members arrested last Tuesday had yet another blow to deal with on Wednesday, albeit less a: a dedicated social network page was hacked and defaced."
"The Group had announced earlier this week that it has started only AnonPlus, after his" your Anon "Newskonto of Google's new social network, Google +, was rejected for violating the website standards."
Syrian hackers apparently guilt. Ironic?
Sam Bowne of the 'ethical hacking' at the City College of San Francisco interviewed informed:
"RFE/RL: you see moral or ethical differences between what" news of the world "done has entry in" the Sun"for instance hacking into the individual phones or LulzSec, is there a moral equivalence here or are these different cases?" Bowne: "well, I mean, they are both wrong." They are both illegal. I think that they both be caught and punished. I think so, only that two wrongs make a right. And I do not see also, a real attack of the LulzSec purpose because I do not think there was some secret hidden things over which the news of the world have, would never come without them have hacking. Thus, it has not me clearly that she achieved nothing hacking. It was mostly just a trick, so she could laugh, that is, what about LulzSec always was. "
Thoughtful about the ethical differences between, for example, one physical sit-in and a DDOS "Visibility" staged.
"Yes, it grows further with five times the rate of the PC market (and 7.5 times the rate of only Windows PCs), but the iPad phenomenon is in fact affect the Mac."
"The Android-based models Samsung Electronics Co., which can Nokia OYJ (NOK1V) world's second largest handset maker, and Apple Inc. (AAPL) smartphone sales in the second quarter exceeded have estimated driven due to the popularity, according to Boston-based strategy becomes Analytics.Samsung, that between 18 and 21 million smartphones sold worldwide iPhone's habenNeil Mawston in the period compared with 16.7 million for Nokia and 20.3 million", a London analyst at research said in an e-mailed response to questions on 22 July.
"The Galaxy device maker is passing in the Smartphone sales for the first time to Apple's on the next rival Google Inc. (GOOG) Android system on the way, Nokia and research in motion Ltd. (RIM) as consumers flock to devices." "Samsung, which is more than the double smartphone sales this year should aim at, and rivaled Apple replace use computer-like mobile phones Nokia as the biggest Smartphone seller and rising demand."
"Description: online"Pads"are used by anonymous / Antisec, information about their current target (s) post attack." "The pads contain information on any URLs, IP addresses, contacts, WHOIS records, and potential vulnerabilities exploit, links, phone numbers, addresses, status, etc." "shared"none"="
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