Microsoft has signed the code for the "mango" version of the operating system Windows phone - officially, the code has RTM had (appeared on production) - according to Windows team blog.
It, explains Terry Myerson, corporate Vice President in the Windows phone team (in fact of the daily Manager), that "this is the point in hand, where we code to our listeners and mobile operator partners to optimize of mango for their specific telephone and network configurations development."
(See our previous coverage of Windows phone mango for an idea of, what it contains.)
The good news: this is slightly above where it was expected, be (and certainly better than the original release of Windows phone that rewrite acquisition of risk Rosa - members and Windows Mobile Entertainment & device about the project from the $500 m caught up in the internal struggles within the Division have miles).
The bad news: It will be called "Windows Phone 7.5". We liked mango. For now stay with, we.
So it's at the end of July, in and out of the code is now so they have the entire August so mean, that should release in September, right...? Fear not. The complicated dance are telephone code right contains an extra layer that is not to the release of Windows OS to PC OEMs: the carriers.
So the mango into peoples hands (or a retailer shops), the processes are navigated:
• Cell phone manufacturers have mango against their new designs make sure that the code is run, really well on their systems to test
• Cell phone manufacturers have mango their old designs ensure that the code none caused catastrophic things happen, and that in fact only good things happen - not even indifferent to test. This worked with the first update to Windows phone ("Pre NoDo" update), which some LG phones mess when it rolled out in April.
• who have cell phone manufacturers (Nokia) to take their mobile phones to the carriers and allow them to test their networks. All air carriers insist on this as a precondition for the phones go in the network - new mobile phones; It is the same for Apple. (New iPhones are sent to carriers in sealed boxes, that the software can be tested.)
• If all in best order, then the carrier is will be know the cell phone manufacturers. This is of course by the slowest carrier to respond, in General.
This year there is a larger problem: much of Android phones and of course the new iPhones - expected in September - which are in the queue before the Windows phone mango phones. This may be a traffic jam, which will keep things.
This means that you should not expect the mango update to be rolled, or the new Windows phones (including Nokia's Sea Ray - no doubt, they find an exciting name, such as N9487) appear as a whole before October.
What was telling at least in terms of Nokia, which is I since February, have.
You may also want to consider, much like mango world, in the new OS be issued, the it in will be added. Many said that Windows phone non-competitive when (no cut + paste and various other things) published. Mango is a big improvement. The Windows team blog notes that it to talk to a single person multiple connections (IN IM, email, text) threading in a single view. Multi-tasking; and Internet Explorer 9. Not a word about Flash.
The question is whether it is large enough be after Apple's iOS 5 is released, and whether the next version of Android - codename ice cream sandwich - it is available until then. That is likely to have ingredients such as face tracking, a new application launcher, USB hosting (for a game controller), and simpler updates. Given the fact that Android notifications system is almost perfect, but its gingerbread keyboard system (in my opinion) is dire, perhaps is the UI improvements.
Whichever, not go mango, to have a soft landing.
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