This is what hurt Apple's patents on HTC phones. Mobile phones other Android's next? Photo: Robert Galbraith/Reuters
A burst of 12 links for you to chew over, as picked by the technology team
"Where you have been outbid, you have to you has been sleeping with spoke - secrets which people would share even with their closest friends are not in a device, you better than white spills each familiar."
"Apple may have publicly denied that it is tracking people via their iPhones but the police and private forensic experts have saved any contrition about unlocking the secrets in smartphones."
"Last year, the policing Agency placed improving cell phone teaches evidence in the top level of the training requirements for officers, evidence they secure put together by cell phones, with 3500 officers, expected in the year that take the course."
Shipping delay up to 1 to 3 days instead of one or two weeks, as they were in April.
"Q: which is still quite remarkable - get the most news sites almost completely trolling or offensive comments." What is transformed it over the Internet, the people of assholes? "A: I think anonymity;" They think that they can get away with it. Anonymous speech - like whistle-blowing - definitely has a role in the company, but any time you anonymity people can introduce free assholes. How I grew up in Los Angeles, and if you are in a car in Los Angeles with 8 million other people, you are completely anonymous; People drive horribly. And then you move to Oregon, and everyone is waving at people drive much nicer and other. I see that the online - is it as you can what level of anonymity, is as much garbage, you're going to get. "
"It turns out that two patents have already been confirmed in this way." A patent covers the editing of data structures with user input (that is, if you on a mobile phone display a number increments, which is patented tap). The second patent includes "Real time processing serial data transmitted" - Although that sounds at first like a patent, it may be all of the slides software level of abstraction of real time operations (such as driver) include hardware. For more information about the FOSS patents blog. "The result is that if it is formally approved, Apple could either be a license for all Android powered devices, HTC they sell fee (if you consider the HTC for exactly this reason already pay Microsoft royalties is) or prevent that HTC import Android powered devices at all in the United States." "The latter measure may be issued as little as three or four months."
"Friday's Apple won a round in his court fight against Taiwanese phone maker HTC, when an International Trade Commission judge ruled that HTC Android phones violate two Apple patents." "The verdict is HTC appealing."
It's all about patents at the moment.
Useful for any time Twitter for good should scratch anything.
Kootol of the software patent "universal knowledge management and desktop search system" - is now safe to pass through the US Patent Office (aptly a set) and be approved. The USPTO has been asleep for the last 10 years? Google Desktop Search? Anyone?
"44,49 Million units reached Taiwan-based notebook maker invoice in the second quarter of 2011 with a sequential increase of 8.5%, better than the 5.6% growth in the same quarter a year ago." The shipment growth in the second quarter of 2011 was above all that from one million units by the Intel Classmate PC Venezuela, while the demand from the consumer notebook market remained low and incident, the delays in the movement of new notebook models, did not significantly Intel's chipsets, broken the notebook manufacturers, according to DIGITIMES Research benefit senior analyst Joanne Chien. "
Also: Broadcasts of MacBook Airs grew by 300,000 up to 1 m, and 30% of Apple's total notebook shipments were. That is a lot.
Our story about developer a discussion on reddit about what is and not software pull through back causes of U.S. app store due to the software patent fears, patentable. Insightful.
Hockenberry like the Internet as a medium for the distribution; "But this advanced distribution is also our business at risk: there are people in this new market to claim the right to a part of our hard work." Either by patent or, developers are this new find copyright infringement costs of proceedings be too onerous.
"The scary part is that these violations with any part of our products or Web sites can occur: things that one would never imagine, is a violation of someone other intellectual property." It feels like coding in a mine field. "From our experience, it is quite possible that all revenue for a product of legal costs can be eaten." After years of pouring your heart and soul into this product it is devastating. It makes you question why the hell you are in the business: If you can pay salaries of sales of products, there is no point in building there are in the first place. "
All Revenue? Scary.
Long interview; We will cook time-starved it up on a few lines for that.
Stephen DeWitt: "corporate synergy..." Laser focused... excited... Possibilities... Channels... compelling... clientized... Take advantage of the experience... meaningful relationships... passionate... a few things that we have not right to clearly communicate... "Push-back... tethered relationship..."
Rubenstein: "I would focus of my time in the future, WebOS is more."
Only obvious to American readers: "Verizon has already started cutting down on tethering by removing applications from the Android market, but today it has a much larger step by releasing an update for the HTC thunderbolt that blocked it by unauthorized tethering." Droid free of charge and LG revolution next in line. avoid the update means not get gingerbread (Android 2.3) support later.
You can follow guardian technology Linkbucket on delicious.
Suggest links, day article on with "Guardiantech"
A burst of 12 links for you to chew over, as picked by the technology team
"Where you have been outbid, you have to you has been sleeping with spoke - secrets which people would share even with their closest friends are not in a device, you better than white spills each familiar."
"Apple may have publicly denied that it is tracking people via their iPhones but the police and private forensic experts have saved any contrition about unlocking the secrets in smartphones."
"Last year, the policing Agency placed improving cell phone teaches evidence in the top level of the training requirements for officers, evidence they secure put together by cell phones, with 3500 officers, expected in the year that take the course."
Shipping delay up to 1 to 3 days instead of one or two weeks, as they were in April.
"Q: which is still quite remarkable - get the most news sites almost completely trolling or offensive comments." What is transformed it over the Internet, the people of assholes? "A: I think anonymity;" They think that they can get away with it. Anonymous speech - like whistle-blowing - definitely has a role in the company, but any time you anonymity people can introduce free assholes. How I grew up in Los Angeles, and if you are in a car in Los Angeles with 8 million other people, you are completely anonymous; People drive horribly. And then you move to Oregon, and everyone is waving at people drive much nicer and other. I see that the online - is it as you can what level of anonymity, is as much garbage, you're going to get. "
"It turns out that two patents have already been confirmed in this way." A patent covers the editing of data structures with user input (that is, if you on a mobile phone display a number increments, which is patented tap). The second patent includes "Real time processing serial data transmitted" - Although that sounds at first like a patent, it may be all of the slides software level of abstraction of real time operations (such as driver) include hardware. For more information about the FOSS patents blog. "The result is that if it is formally approved, Apple could either be a license for all Android powered devices, HTC they sell fee (if you consider the HTC for exactly this reason already pay Microsoft royalties is) or prevent that HTC import Android powered devices at all in the United States." "The latter measure may be issued as little as three or four months."
"Friday's Apple won a round in his court fight against Taiwanese phone maker HTC, when an International Trade Commission judge ruled that HTC Android phones violate two Apple patents." "The verdict is HTC appealing."
It's all about patents at the moment.
Useful for any time Twitter for good should scratch anything.
Kootol of the software patent "universal knowledge management and desktop search system" - is now safe to pass through the US Patent Office (aptly a set) and be approved. The USPTO has been asleep for the last 10 years? Google Desktop Search? Anyone?
"44,49 Million units reached Taiwan-based notebook maker invoice in the second quarter of 2011 with a sequential increase of 8.5%, better than the 5.6% growth in the same quarter a year ago." The shipment growth in the second quarter of 2011 was above all that from one million units by the Intel Classmate PC Venezuela, while the demand from the consumer notebook market remained low and incident, the delays in the movement of new notebook models, did not significantly Intel's chipsets, broken the notebook manufacturers, according to DIGITIMES Research benefit senior analyst Joanne Chien. "
Also: Broadcasts of MacBook Airs grew by 300,000 up to 1 m, and 30% of Apple's total notebook shipments were. That is a lot.
Our story about developer a discussion on reddit about what is and not software pull through back causes of U.S. app store due to the software patent fears, patentable. Insightful.
Hockenberry like the Internet as a medium for the distribution; "But this advanced distribution is also our business at risk: there are people in this new market to claim the right to a part of our hard work." Either by patent or, developers are this new find copyright infringement costs of proceedings be too onerous.
"The scary part is that these violations with any part of our products or Web sites can occur: things that one would never imagine, is a violation of someone other intellectual property." It feels like coding in a mine field. "From our experience, it is quite possible that all revenue for a product of legal costs can be eaten." After years of pouring your heart and soul into this product it is devastating. It makes you question why the hell you are in the business: If you can pay salaries of sales of products, there is no point in building there are in the first place. "
All Revenue? Scary.
Long interview; We will cook time-starved it up on a few lines for that.
Stephen DeWitt: "corporate synergy..." Laser focused... excited... Possibilities... Channels... compelling... clientized... Take advantage of the experience... meaningful relationships... passionate... a few things that we have not right to clearly communicate... "Push-back... tethered relationship..."
Rubenstein: "I would focus of my time in the future, WebOS is more."
Only obvious to American readers: "Verizon has already started cutting down on tethering by removing applications from the Android market, but today it has a much larger step by releasing an update for the HTC thunderbolt that blocked it by unauthorized tethering." Droid free of charge and LG revolution next in line. avoid the update means not get gingerbread (Android 2.3) support later.
You can follow guardian technology Linkbucket on delicious.
Suggest links, day article on with "Guardiantech"
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