Thursday, July 14, 2011

Boot-up: Apple's secret service call, androids ultimate summer, Twitter view come and more

U.S. agents accompany Barack Obama. He has put the software on machines in an Apple retail store. Photo: Jason Reed/Reuters
A burst of 9 links for you to chew over, as picked by the technology team
"Artist Kyle McDonald a program installed on computers in two New York Apple store locations, the a photo makes automatically every minute." "Now have his computers were confiscated by the US secret service."

Artist has a bad idea. Has the quality of the idea been violent to him. Perhaps you ask first next time?

"The innocent-looking"1 tip"display is actually the tip of something much larger: a variety of diet and weight loss companies hawking everything from pills, between African mangoes and potions made from exotic Acai berries produced." Federal officials have claimed that their products of companies map after the inflated claims about and make fraudulent funds use them to market. "Take this so far: at least $1 billion and counting."
The "1 tip" map independent promoters that ultra lean plus place them on behalf of small diet product seller named HCG are the work of armies of 'connected undertakings'. The promoters will benefit every time when someone clicks through on the ordered product seller Web site and a free sample. "The example, but not always so free."

"This is a crucial summer for Android." It rose to prominence as the anti-iPhone, but has managed to combine Apple, Microsoft and research in motion in a consortium of competitors trying, Google in its most vulnerable point taken. "Like [Andy] Reback years ago, modern related patent litigation is not really everything, what other than a protection racket: you pay or get hurt." "If Google wants to keep rolling the wonders of the Android, it will need to find a way, provide protection to the own brand before its partners for peace of mind over loyalty opt."

The question, what is?

Read it, and then write your own punchline.

"How Twitter raises more money, it is more serious about money to get." The service will show set to launch, which display in users "Timeline" within the next month after by using plans that it spoke for more than a year.

"Twitter is a new ad product called" promotes tweets, followers, "from early August press start."

This will either go very well (no one will notice them) or Catastophically (everyone will notice it).

"The day would simply without a spicy rumors about the next iPhone feel incomplete, and today is a spicy indeed." "According to a photo, popped up yesterday on the Web that next iPhone iteration will be known, as the iPhone 5, but more interesting part is that the Smartphone dual cameras on the back, is probably for the collection of 3D photos and videos pack."

It reveals a lot of games with Photoshop as a forgery. There is no a website where you can upload photos to see their fake-ness?
Fascinating, read detailed.

"From Brazil to France to Australia to India, new laws and platforms citizens provide new means to request, demand or create more transparency of the Government." The open data movement is truly global, with 19 international open data Web site around the globe live gone. "This week, the world see go live any other open government platform in Kenya." Amazing.

"Omar Khan, the Samsung CTO working Android-powered Citibank responsible for the rise of the GalTab and other mobile devices, the company's to handle global digital banking initiatives." He is replaced by Nick Dicarlo and Gavin Kim in ' product and the speaker responsible for Samsung mobile.' "

TechCrunch suggests that this a certain "political infighting" shows. Or may be not a big enough raise?

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