Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Boot-up: iPad predicted, Google "knew Oracle violation", Flickr + Twitter =?, and much more

It's raining iPads! No, possibly not. Bert Foord during TV weather forecast by the Meteorological Office in 1963.
A burst of 8 links for you to chew over, as picked by the technology team
""When you visit an unfamiliar location, Google maps is get a performance for mobile phones great for thereof, or only for getting you are as close to your destination, where streets and places of interest in relation to each other,"un-lost." But what if you do not have a data signal, or you are abroad and have no data plan? We say that if you use Google maps for mobile, you need never again to wear a paper card to. ""Download map area"lab in Google maps is 5.7 for Android a step in that statement true make, even if you are offline."
"" It"is possible", that Google knew, that its Android mobile operating system would Oracle Java patents violate, but decided, with the effort anyway, head judge supervision of intellectual property entities said action in a letter Tuesday filed."Judge William Alsup gave the explanation in connection with the so-called Daubert motion, the Google in the hope of the results of Oracle has filed damage experts without. "Both sides have submitted briefs in relation to a hearing on the motion, which is scheduled for July 21."When reading the Daubert briefing, it is possible that Google would be recognized at an early stage that there patents protect hurting at least part of Java, entered into negotiations with Sun [Microsystems] a license for use in Android,? then the negotiations as too expensive and pressed home with Android without any license at all, given up, "Alsup wrote in the letter in U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California filed. "Hmm."
Iconfactory (the Twitterrific does) already has an extension. This is all for good play.
"This is an artifact of population density and Flickr and Twitter users." What is more interesting but are outside of the city of blue and orange dominates. For example, will be in the North America map above, in the East of blue, while in the West seems more orange dominated. "What compels people Tweet about take a picture and vice versa?" "Or we see only a Twitter scratch, that happened early in the morning, before the West Coast woke up?"
"Google's"continuous beta"approach, which uses it to [Googlesuche and Gmail] is the customers of two new market segments, the Google will not satisfy victory: Smartphone software and enterprise software."Let me first say that Google's move to create their own Smartphone platform (Android) me a mystery from the outset was you. It was not necessary. "Google could have easily on great mobile software, and you are looking for products for all major smartphone platforms and it goal that was would have reached a mobile platform for AdWords creating."
Very entertaining to read slightly missed the point as well.
This is a pretty wide variety, but the average is 7.93 m (the median 8.09 m.) In any case, it more than twice the 3.2 m sold is its first quarter a year ago.
Is interesting, like HP, with its large company offers taken is worse than the industry average.
"We have never been wider than what we have to run dropbox interested in rights." We want this language right, so that you are comfortable with dropbox without a reservation: what is you is you. "Instead of trying to add clarification to the terms, we have rewritten this part from scratch..."
Suitable for those concerned about it?
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